Which credentials should I use to log in to Webcast Manager?
You should use the same credentials (email and password) as for your VideoManager Pro account.
If an admin adds a user to Webcast Manager, will the new user be notified?
No. The new user should be manually informed that they can log in to, using the same credentials as for VideoManager Pro.
In my account, I do not see the "quick create" button to create a new event. Why is that?
To enable the Quick Create button, you first need to set defaults in the Theme, VideoManager, Pre-live Video, Upload Channel, and Streaming Server sections.
In the post-live tab, I have to indicate an offset for the post-live video. What does it mean?
With the offset in seconds, you can decide the starting second of the video that should be shown in post-live status.
If you insert 90 in offset starts (seconds), the video's starting point will be 1 min 30s after its original start.
This is particularly useful if you select the recording as a post-live video and wish to skip any idle time prior to the event really starting.
What are the prerequisites for showing a video in post or pre-live in the specified VideoManager Pro account?
To pick a specific video from your VideoManager Pro as pre or post live video and to make the video available for playback, the following prerequisites must be met:
1. The video must be released.
2. The technical user must have access to the video. More info can be found here.
3. The video does not contain a geo-blocking security policy (even if the video is whitelisted for a specific country, such as Germany, this will not be visible in Germany).
Why should I indicate the event start date, duration and expected viewers for each event I create in Webcast Manager?
Nothing is more important for a successful webcast event than making sure our platform has plenty of resources to manage your audience. With today's release, we introduce an intelligent auto-scaling process that ensures we have appropriate resources before, during, and after your events.
Every few minutes, we calculate the overall number of viewers our platform has to support for all planned and in-progress Webcast events. We then automatically adjust our infrastructure accordingly.
When will the event be switched to post-live status?
The event will switch automatically to post-live status an hour after the scheduled end of the event. If you set an event at 3 PM and you indicate a duration of 30 minutes, the expected ending time of the event (if the event stream begins at 3 pm) would be 3:30 PM. At 4:30 PM, the event will be switched automatically to post-live status.
What happens if a scheduled event starts really at the time indicated but lasts longer than its expected duration?
Any event that is in a live state for more than one hour after its expected end time is automatically switched to a post-live state.
Example: The start time of an event was set at 9:00 and the duration of the event is 2 hours. The event starts with a delay of 15 minutes at 9:15, and the expected end time will be 11:15. If the event is still in live state at 12:15, it will be automatically switched to post-live state.
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