If a Webcast event has been configured to store the recording of the event in VideoManager Pro, the recording will be automatically uploaded as soon as the event is switched to Post-live status. If the event was streamed in multiple languages, there will be 1 recording uploaded per language.
The video's title will follow this pattern: Title (language code), e.g. "All Hands Meeting - 24.6.2021 (DE)".
I cannot find the recording of a webcast event, even though the event has been switched to Post-Live.
- Step 1 - Check how long has the event been in Post-live status
Normally, the upload of the recording of a Webcast Event should start immediately after the event is switched from Live to Post-Live status. While the trigger of the upload is immediate, the upload of the file itself takes some time. The upload process isn't visible in VideoManager Pro.
You can expect that the upload process takes approximately half of the time of the event. For instance, a 4 hour-long-event should be visible in VideoManager Pro approximately 2hours after having been switched to Post-live in Webcast Operator.
After the upload process, the video will start being transcoded. During this process, the video will be visible in VideoManager Pro to all users but may not yet be ready to publish (for release the 360p format should be completed).
- Step 2 - Check the settings in your Webcast Manager
Check that the Webcast Event was correctly configured to automatically store the event recording in VideoManager Pro.
- Log in to your Webcast Manger.
- Select the event from which you are expecting the recording to be uploaded
- In the "Configuration" tab, check if the "Store Livestream recordings in VideoManager Pro" is ticked and in which VideoManager Pro account and channel the video should be uploaded.
- Step 3 - Be sure that your user has access to the channel to which the video should have been uploaded
Take note of the VideoManager Pro account and channel from Step 2.
In VideoManager Pro Each channel belongs to a particular ownership group. To check the ownership group of the channel, follow these steps:
- Log into the VideoManager Pro account
- Go to the Administration Area (if you are not an admin, ask any admin of your account).
- In the left-side panel, click on "Channel access".
- On the center area, select the channel from Step 2
- In the right-side panel you will see the ownership group of the channel.
- On the left menu, click on "users".
- On the center area, select your user.
- On the bottom right side, you can see all groups your user is in (and the role it has in that group). Check if your user is in the group you have found out in this step (and if its role in the group contains at least the "View videos" right.
If everything looks fine, even after these checks, but the problem persists, contact the support team. We will be happy to help.
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