- Access to new Analytics.
You wish to filter a search in your new Analyitics for a specific video, channel, group, or any other dimensions.
Step-by-step guide:
1. Log in to Analytics
2. From the left menu, select "all dashboards", and then "Video On Demand"
3. Select the correct time range, in which you wish to get the results. Select the calendar symbol to set a specific time range (from date A to date B) or the three lines symbol to select a specific period of time before the current moment, e.g., last year.
4. On the top bar, by default the three most common quick filters:
— Title: Insert the video/podcast title of the video.
— Content ID: Insert the video ID of the asset > You can find the video ID at the end of your browser URL or in the metadata accordion when selecting a video from your VideoManager Pro.
— Channel: If you wish to have the data for all videos linked to one specific channel, type in here the group name.
NOTE In case there was no play in the selected time range for the video, channel, or any dimension in which you are searching, you will not see the entry at all, only the entry "blank" will be shown. In this case, you can expand the time range or make sure that there are plays at all in that dimension.
If you want to filter your search based on another dimension than the ones mentioned here, click on the filter symbol on the top bar. You will find many dimensions to filter your data with.
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