In case you would like to see the plays for a specific video from a certain channel or channels, we would like to suggest to create a report (this how-to also works when you would like to see the plays from all channels for several videos - just skip the filtering for a specific channel).
- Please click on "Reports" to enter the Report Manager of your Analytics account:
- In the Report Manager please click on "Create" to create a new report:
- Select a "Blank" report:
- Now you have to select for "Add Group" the Dimension "Content" -> "Content ID" (= Video ID) and then click "Add":
- It will opens a dialog where you have to select the details about this group. For this example we will select "TOP ALL" because we would like to see ALL Content IDs. Once it has been selected please click "Add":
- Since we would like to see the plays for each Content IDs, we have to sort it by the numbers of plays (Plays (#)) in the following dialog:
- In the "Columns" section we have to select "Plays (#)" (number of plays) once again. Please click on "Add" when it has been selected:
- Since we would like to see the plays per Content ID just for one single Channel or more than one selected channels , we need to add a filter. In this case we have to "include" the "Channel" as the "Dimension". It can be found in the "Content" selector. After you have selected the channel(s) please click on "Add":
- When you are done click on "Next" in the Report Manager to switch to the "Export" section where you can select a name for the report, define the export format, the compression format and the frequency (One-time or recurrent if the report should be send regularly). If you would like to get the report regularly we would recommend to select an end date range far enough in the future so you do not have to edit the report too often. If everything is set, you can click on "Create". It can take a bit until the first report has been created and it can be downloaded from the overview of the report manager :
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