- Premium Account
- Be a host, speaker of the event, or moderator of that specific call event
You are a host of one Premium event, and you want to moderate the video call. In particular, you wish to learn how to start the recording of the video call, apply the follow-me functionality (so that everyone sees the same view as the moderator), mute participants when needed, close their camera, and/or make them join the event muted/with their camera off by default.
1. Give moderator rights to a participant
As host of the event, you already have all moderation rights to any conference call within the video event. You can give other participants moderator rights to a specific attendee, these rights apply only in the video call itself.
Step-by-step guide:
- Enter or be sure to be in the video call, to which you want to give moderator rights to an attendee.
- Click the three dots, from the attendee square.
- Click on "Grant Moderator Rights"
- Click on "Confirm" on the pop-up window.
Now, within this call, the user will have the same moderator rights as you as the host of the event.
2. Start Recording
Any moderator of the call can start the recording of the video call itself.
- Click on the three dots symbol on the command bar at the bottom of the video call.
- Click on "Start recording".
- On the pop-up window, click on confirm.
- Every attendee of the call will be notified both in written and orally that the recording has started.
- After the recording has been stopped, hosts will be able to find and download the recording in the cockpit — within the first 24 hours from its creation. On the "recording" entry of the left menu.
3. Mute/Hide the camera of Participants
As a moderator of the event, you can mute, and/or hide the camera of specific participants. Or the other way round, mute/hide the camera of all participants except one specific.
- Click the three dots, from the attendee square.
- Select the corresponding option to the action you wish to execute.
4. Everyone starts as muted/hidden
As a moderator, you can set that everybody joining the call will enter with their camera or microphone off.
- Click on the three dots symbol on the command bar at the bottom of the video call.
- Click on "Settings".
- Open the "Moderator" tab.
- Enable the "everyone starts muted" and/or "everyone starts hidden" option
5. Everyone follows me
During an event, every user can click on one attendee square to watch them or their screen sharing on a bigger view, this would change only their personal view. As moderator, you can set the option "everyone follows me", so that every time you click on one specific attendee, normally the one who is talking, the view of everybody changes accordingly. This also has an impact on the bigger view that is show in the recording.
- Click on the three dots symbol on the command bar at the bottom of the video call.
- Click on "Settings".
- Open the "Moderator" tab.
- Enable the "everyone follows me" option
Nevertheless, each attendee can change their personal view any time, but this will also change their personal view.
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